About the Fellowship
The Early Career Climate Fellowships (ECCF) are for talented African early career professionals who have the potential to become leaders in their field. These fellowships provide the opportunity to build an independent research-policy-practice career and be exposed to different working environments of decision making in the climate change space.
The African Group of Negotiators Experts (AGNES) through its NDC Delivery Lab and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Nairobi have partnered to support Kenyan early career professionals fellowship program: Early Career Climate Fellowships (ECCF). The NDC Delivery Lab is an innovative multi-sectoral approach that ensures the effective translation of nationally determined contributions (NDCs) into high impact investments and delivery plans and on-the-ground implementation of climate action and provides an excellent opportunity for creative and innovative solutions to address the climate risks.
Read more about the fellowship by downloading the PDF attached.
Your application should reach AGNES careers@agnesafrica.org by 24th November 2023.